Geraniums - The Cransebills |
The Crane's-bill Geraniums listed here are hardy, free flowering, easy to grow herbaceous perennials. Many do well in shade or semishaded sites in a perennial border, as a specimen, a groundcover or in a rockery.
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eranium `Brookside'......................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 80cm. Flowers a rich blue atop rich medium green foliage.
Geranium x cantabrigiense`Biokova'................... 1gal NA
Ht.10-15cm. Z5. This is a hybrid of G.dalmaticum and G.macrorrhizum. Flowers are light pink and are carried above the foliage. Leaves turn a brilliant red in fall.
Geranium x cantabrigiense `Cambridge'.............. 1gal NA
Ht. 20cm. Z5. Similar to G. Biokova except this excellent groundcover has dark rose colored flowers.
Geranium cinereum `Ballerina'.......................... 1gal NA
Ht. 10-15 cm. Z6. Flowers are silvery lilac-pink with distinctly darker purple venation and bloom throughout summer. This is a great little geranium for the rockery.
Geranium cinereum `Purple Pillows'......................... NA
Ht. 15cm. Z4. Unusual burgundy purplish red flowers with darker veins.
Geranium dalmaticum....................................... NA
Ht. 10-15cm. Z5. Flowers June to August with clusters of 3cm soft pink flowers. Forms neat dense mound of glossy green leaves that are often tinted red in fall. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium `Dilys’................................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z4. Blooms in summer with magenta pink flowers. Often reblooms in fall.
Geranium `Dragon Heart’................................... NA
Ht. 60cm. Z5. A hybrid with magenta flowers and black center and veination. Blooms almost all summer long.
Geranium endressi `Wargrave Pink'.................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This selection of G.endressi is vigorous and is covered with numerous salmon pink flowers.
Geranium himalayense...................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 25-45 cm. Z4. Blooms in June and July with 5cm blue- violet flowers. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium himalayense `Birch's Double (Plenum)'........................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms June and July with very pretty double lavender-blue flowers. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium `Johnson's Blue'................................ 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 35-45 cm. Z4. Blooms June to August with 5cm cup shaped sky blue flowers with red venation. Sun to semi-shade.
Geranium maculatum........................................ 1gal NA
N.A.Native. Ht. 30-60cm. Z4. Leaves deeply 3-5 lobed, somewhat hairy on top. Flowers are held erect in terminal clusters and range from rose purple to pink. Good for woodland naturalizing or for the back of the perennial border.
Geranium maculatum Chatto............................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z4. This selection has pale lilac pink flowers and deeply divided green foliage. Great for the edge of a woodland.
Geranium maculatum Espresso........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60cm. Z4. Superbly contrasting dark bronze foliage and lavender pink flowers that mature to white. Foliage emerges in spring a wonderous burgundy-black and slowly fades to bronzy green after a few weeks.
Geranium macrorhizum album......................... 1 gal NA
Ht.25-30cm. Z4. This lovely white flowered form of the species has pink stamens on the flowers which give them a blush pink effect.
Geranium macrorhizum ‘Bevans Variety’.......... 1 gal $15.00ea
Ht.25-30cm. Z4. Rosy magenta flowers with pink stamens.
Geranium macrorrhizum `Ingwersen's Variety'..... 1gal NA
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms May to July with clusters of clear pink, 3cm flowers. Great as a dense ground cover.
Geranium orientalitibeticum .......................... 11cm pot $6.00ea
Ht. 20-35cm. Z8. Tuberous. Dwarf alpine perennial with dark pink purple flowers with white centers.
Geranium x oxonianum `Claridge Druce'............. 1gal NA
Ht. 35-45 cm. Z4. A hybrid of G.endressii and G.versicolor. Lilac-pink flowers with purple venation. Sun to shade.
Geranium x oxonianum `Katherine Adele'............ 1gal NA
Ht.40cm. Z6. Pretty pink flowers have darker veins. Dark green foliage has maroon markings which are stronger in more heat.
Geranium x oxonianum `Phoebe Noble'............... 1gal NA
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This is a vigorous plant covered all summer in dark lipstick pink flowers. When untidy, trim it back and in a couple of weeks it's in bloom again.
Geranium x oxonianum `Southcombe Double'...... 1gal NA
Ht. 35cm. Z5. Flowers mostly double salmon pink. A compact selection ideal for the front of a border.
Geranium `Patricia'............................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 50-75cm. Z3. This hybrid between G.endressi and G.psilostemon has vivid cyclamen red blooms with dark centers.
Geranium psilostemon....................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 75-80 cm. Z5. Blooms June and July with 4cm black centered magenta flowers. Sun to semi-shade. A great larger geranium for the perennial border.
Geranium phaeum album................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 60-80cm. Z5. A pure white flowered selection.
Geranium phaeum Mourning Widow.................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 60-80cm. Z5. This tall plant has lobed leaves, often marked le at their base with dark bluish-red reflexed nodding flowers.
Geranium phaeum Lavender Pinwheel................. 1gal NA
Ht. 60-80cm. Z5. This selection has special flowers. Each flower is pale lavender, with violet veins radiating from a green eye, then the edge of each petal features a dark, picotee rim. The result is a delicate patterning of colour, with misty shadows where the petals overlap.
Geranium phaeum Sambor.................................. 1gal NA
Ht. 40-50cm. Z5. This selection has large dark markings on the leaves as well as the typical maroon flower.
Geranium phaeum `Springtime’........................... 1gal NA
Ht. 40-50cm. Z4. A unique geranium with silvery mottled green foliage and deep maroon blooms.
Geranium pratense `albiflorum' Meadow Cranesbill 1gal NA
Ht. 60-75cm. Z5. Deeply cut dark green leaves. Pure white flowers with transluscent white veins. Prefers sun to light shade.
Geranium pratense `Dark Reiter'.............................. NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Mounds of dark, deeply cut foliage with lavender blue flowers.
Geranium pratense `Hocus Pocus'............................ NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Mounds of dark, deeply cut foliage with lavender purple flowers.
Geranium pratense `Purple Ghost'............................ NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3. Soft lavender flowers with darker veins.
Geranium pratense 'Splish Splash'....................... 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z4. A striking geranium with mauve blue splashes and flecks on pure white flowers.
Geranium `Rozanne’ .......................................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht.50cm. Z4. A long bloomer with striking marbled foliage and very large violet blue flowers with white centers.
Geranium sanguineum Bloody Cranesbill............ 1gal NA
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms May to September with 4cm crimson flowers. Excellent groundcover in sun to semi-shade. Leaves turn red in fall.
Geranium sanguineum `Album'.......................... 1gal NA
Ht. 25-30 cm. Z4. Blooms May to September with 4cm pure white flowers. Somewhat looser habit than species. Excellent plant for sun to shade. Foliage greyish in color.
Geranium sanguineum `Max Frei'....................... 1gal $15.00ea
Ht. 20cm. Z4. Large deep magenta flowers on compact plant. Excellent for the rock garden.
Geranium sanguineum var. striatum (`Lancastrense)... NA
Ht. 20cm. Z4. Large flesh pink flowers with prominant venation. Grows very low to the ground.
Geranium sylvaticum `Silva'................................ 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z4. Flowers upright, purple in color in early to mid-summer. A good naturalizer in open, not too dry site or under trees.
Geranium `Tiny Monster’ ................................... 1gal NA
Ht.10-25cm .Z4. Large lavender purple flowers on this dwarf cross between G. sanguineum and G. psilostemon.
Geranium tuberosum..................................... 11cm pot NA
Ht. 30-40cm. Z4-5. Tuberous. This is a wonderful hardy spreading geranium that arises from small tubers. Deeply cut leaves and purple-violet flowers with darker veins, deep blue anther and crimson stigma
Geranium versicolor........................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 45cm. Z4. A striking geranium with mauve flowers heavily veined with dark purple pencilling.
Geranium wlassovianum..................................... 1gal NA
Ht. 30cm. Z3 . A wonderful compact plant with deep purplish magenta flowers veined with deep violet. From Northen China.
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